Sunday, June 12, 2016

Indonesian culinary FRIED RICE

It is inevitable if the current fried rice is a food that is already widely known to the public. Not only in Indonesia, fried rice is also available in many countries but with diverse variants. Materials as well as the spices are also quite varied, though still the main ingredient in cooking fried rice is rice that has been cold or warm. As we know, the fried rice that are easily found in Indonesia, Javanese fried rice, salted fish fried rice, fried goat, rice fried bananas, and some fried rice - fried rice more.

Almost every week we eat the delicious food of this one, however, if you know where the origin of the food? Food was named fried rice in English is apparently already exist thousands of years ago. Namely the year 4000 BC. The cuisine proved to be a traditional cuisine of Chinese society. At that time a lot of the Chinese community who migrated and lived in various countries in the world. Then spread of fried rice This happens because the Chinese community living choose to settle down and try to create the typical local cuisine fried rice hers. By adjusting the spices in their current residence, be a fried rice with a unique flavor. Surely he created taste different from the taste of fried rice that he made with spices original birth place of Chinese society.

history Of fried rice

Actually the idea of ​​Chinese society obtained because he does not like the cold foods. That's why the Chinese community to try to cook the rice has cooled back. To add flavor to the rice that he cooked the Chinese community that added ingredient that pleased him. The results of these dishes turned out to be quite popular with the Chinese community. Word of mouth spread was a better way to process the cold white rice than in the exhaust. The way it is also the way the Chinese community in avoiding wastage of rice.

At this time fried rice dish often described as a touch of Indonesian origin. Though rice itself is a staple food of the Chinese community. Unfortunately, until now still not clear since when Indonesia began to adopt Chinese fried rice and made it with their own version. Chinese influence on Indonesian cuisine can be seen in its true fried noodles that came with a frying technique that can only be done by using a Chinese wok. Trade between China and the Indonesian archipelago began to evolve from the era of the kingdom of Srivijaya around the 10th century and has been intensified in the era of the Majapahit kingdom around the 15th century. When the Chinese immigrants began to settle in the country, and bringing their culture and cuisine. As discussed earlier, the Chinese people usually prefer freshly cooked food or food that is hot. And in their culture a taboo if discard food that has been through the cooking process. As a result, leftover rice is often cooked the previous day back in the morning. Earlier, the Indonesian people may just hang leftover rice to make a meal or Rengginang tradisioal Peek, could also dried milled rice to make rice flour.

Currently fried rice already exists everywhere. The fried rice nasi goreng pattaya, among others, from Thailand. Fukien fried rice, originally from Fujian. Fried rice Yangchow, comes from Yangzhou. Countries that many hawking fried rice in addition to Indonesia, Malaysia, Singpura, and there are also some in the Netherlands.

Hmmm, anyway so hungry

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