Sunday, June 12, 2016

Fort Widest World Buton fortress palace Wolio

If China has the Great Wall, then Indonesia has Buton palace fortress. Located in Bau-Bau, Southeast Sulawesi, this castle has an area of ​​approximately 23 hectares and extends up to 3 kilometers. The place is beautiful and historic. Buton fortress palace in Bau-bau is equally similar to the Great Wall of China. Similar to the Great Wall of China, Buton palace fortress also serves to protect its people from outside attack.

The fort has a length of 3 kilometers with an average wall height of 4 meters and a thickness of 2 meters. In 2006, Fortress Buton received an award from the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) and the Guinness Book Record as the largest castle in the world with an area of ​​23.375 hectares.

In addition to its magnificent, the castle also save a lot of history about the Sultanate of Buton. Buton fortress palace originally called Wolio palace was built in the 16th century by Sultan Buton III named La Sangaji the title of Sultan Kaimuddin nicknamed Sania Mangkekuna (1591-1596). This fort was completed during the reign of Sultan Buton VI, La Buke or Gafurul Wadudu in 1632-1645. The dhal-shaped fort on the Arabic alphabet.

Buton fortress palace built in a way that is unique and different from the fort anywhere in the world. Buton fortress palace is composed of rocks of the mountain (limestone or limestone) and glued with a natural adhesive made from seaweed and lime mixed dough liquid egg whites. The fort was built on a hilltop that is high enough with a fairly steep slope. Therefore, the fort is worth mentioning as a stronghold of the best defenses in the world.

Not only for the defense, in the area of ​​the castle there are settlements that are heirs descendants of the royal family palace Buton past. There are also relics from hundreds of past, such as the old mosque, ancient cannons, and a flagpole.

In addition to the unique building materials, the castle also has a lot of meaning in every corner of the building. One is that there are 12 holes (the castle entrance) or Lawa. 12 holes illustrates the number of holes in the human body and 16 guardhouse or Bastion that each gate in place a number of cannons. Another source said that the number of actual gatehouse is 17 symbolizing the number of cycles in the fard prayer of Muslims. Indeed, all the buildings in the Fort Wolio terms will meanings of religious and socially very powerful at that time.

Complements the splendor of Fort Wolio, in it there is also the Great Mosque of Keraton (Masigi OGEN), founded by Sultan Buton XIX Sakiuddin Durul Natural or Langkariyri in the early 17th century two-storey mosque measuring 20.6 x 19.4 M² serves as a center of religious activity sultanate. Today, the palace mosque is still used for daily worship facilities. In fact, at the time of Ramadan mosque packed with worshipers always worship, practice breaking and dawn along the southern corridor. Material as raw material to build the mosque together with the raw materials for the castle, which is a mixture of limestone and sand.

The uniqueness of this mosque is the number of doors as much as 12 pieces and is composed of 313 pieces of wood are identical to the symbol 12 holes on the human body as the number of bones contained therein. Rung mosque as many as 17 pieces of stairs plus two additional, identical to the number of cycles of prayer is fard and sunnah prayers. This mosque also has a drum with a length of 99 cm symbolizing Beautiful Names. Because he is quite old, the renovation was carried out in 1929. At that time, the roof of palm leaves are always patched embroideries for two hundred years replaced with tin roofs. Successive further in 1978, 1986 and last in 2002 renovations done to maintain the integrity of the mosque to look like today.

Looked around the mosque, we will find a landscape neat and beautiful environment. Right next to the mosque stands a wooden pole nicknamed Kasulaana Tombi, towering as high as 21 meters were used to hoist the flag or flags tombi Buton is Longa-Longa. Until now the conditions poles already over 200 years old is still quite good despite being slightly askew and rotted with age. In front of the mosque, we will find historic sites Popaua stone used as a first queen inauguration Wa Kaa Kaa and this tradition is still continued by the next Sultan Buton until today. Beside it there is also a well-shaped Baruga large wooden building without walls that is used as a meeting place and discuss the various issues that arise in the life of society.

Buton fortress palace can be your next destination during a visit to Bau-Bau, Southeast Sulawesi. You can explore this castle and fortress witnessed the largest in the world.

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