Sunday, June 12, 2016

Komodo National Park Attractions

Komodo Island | At this time  review will cover about one of the tourist destinations in Indonesia were already familiar in the eyes of the world, even in the category of the Seven Wonders of the World. Besides the temple of Borobudur in Yogyakarta that also fall into that category, Indonesia also has other attractions that became a favorite place for domestic and foreign tourists. Tours is located in Nusa Tenggara which we know as the island of Komodo. Travel heritage recognized by UNESCO as the rare places in the world. It's very amazing for Indonesian country, Because our popular destination in the world. Be proud you as a citizen of Indonesia, because in this beloved country that has many unique attractions and of course obliged to visit.

Komodo Island is an island located in the Nusa Tenggara islands. The island is located in the middle - the middle between the islands of Sumbawa and Flores. Precisely on the east side of the island of Sumbawa. Separated by Sape Strait. Komodo Island is a small island that occupies the main part of the Komodo National Park. Komodo Island in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), sub Komodo, Manggarai district west. This island is the westernmost boundary of the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) at the same time borders on the province of Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB).

Komodo National Park is not only on the island of Komodo, but also includes other islands such as Rinca, and Padar were included in the original habitat of the main island of dragons. In addition, there are many islands - other small islands are included in the Komodo National Park. The total area of ​​Komodo National Park covers an area of ​​2,321 km² land sea and air as well. From the name alone, you can describe what kind of travel on the island of Komodo. Of course, this is where the dragons animals live. Island is a habitat for native animals dragons. Thousands - thousands of dragons animals live and breed here.

Komodo in Latin "Varanus komodeonensis" is a species of rare and endangered. The animal habitats in the open. They can live in grassland (savanna), white sandy beaches and rain forests. Are reptiles that resemble lizards, but the difference sangatta size can reach lengths of up to 3 meters. Adult dragons body weight ranged from 100 to 200 kilograms. Can you imagine how big these animals. Komodo has a body shape like ancient animals, hoofed sharp, scaly, and a forked tongue like he stick out. Komodo in the category of predatory animals. But not to worry because the animal was classified as a predator that is patient and is not an active hunter. Requires only one bite of the Komodo dragon to paralyze prey. However, they are not greedy, because they prey acquired will not be completely exhausted. He will eat it up for days - days.

Every visitor who comes will be accompanied by "rangers" designation handler on the local community. So no need to worry and fear because you will be guarded and directed by the handler. You simply obey the instructions given by an experienced handler there. Indeed dragon is a vulnerable species to extinction. This large lizard is a very ancient animals protected. The government seek the best protection in animals dragons, considering these animals is an important asset for Indonesia, even for the world.

You will lose if you do not visit this place, the article other than animal encounter dragons, beautiful treats natural charm can hypnotize millions of pairs of eyes of the beholder. Not only expanse savanna surrounded by ancient animals dragons, but you will also witness the sea of ​​beautiful white sand coupled with decorative rocks and the waves that swept the shoreline. The water is crystal clear blue nan will create tranquility and adds new zest in life. Sunshine greets well as add elegance beach.

Not quite up there alone, Komodo National Park is also known for having amazing underwater beauty. Biota beautiful down there with decorated diverse coral reefs make fish - sweet fish is also not embarrassed to say hello. You can dive and enjoy the wealth of the sea on the island. Komodo National Park is the best dive sites in the world. 385 spresies coral reefs, sea grass trimmings, 70 kinds of sponges, as well as thousands of species of fish are waiting for you. Not only that, you also will meet with various species of sharks and rays, green turtles, six whale species, and 10 species of dolphins - dolphins are cute. It's natural heritage dramatic and awesome.

Approximately 67% of coverage of the Park are the territorial waters of the exotic. Has a depth of approximately 150 meters. The water temperature in this perairai ranges from 25-29 degrees Celsius with 34 ppt salinity. So much natural charm offered in the Komodo National Park. Besides being able to meet with the ancient animals dragons in their natural habitat, and enjoy the beautiful marine life, you will be amazed even further with panoramic views of the island. Because here there is a transition zone Wallacea Line.

Certainly is no stranger in your ears. When at school, father and teacher mother had often menjelaskaan about the charm of the ecosystem of flora and fauna in this line. Assorted tropical flora and fauna of Southeast Asia to meet with Australia. Noted there are 254 species of flora that inhabit the Park. In addition, there are 128 species of birds are beautiful and melodious voice, as well as 58 diverse species of animals. Alloy nature and vegetation enhances the quality of the environment in the Park so diverse flora and fauna easy to adapt here.

Komodo National Park is one of 40 national parks in Indonesia. The park is protected as a world heritage site. Good natural resources, diverse flora, and fauna.

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