Sunday, June 12, 2016

Indonesian batik craft

Batik in Indonesia has been known since the time of Majapahit and continue to grow until the next kingdom. Widespread batik art belongs to the people of Indonesia and Java in particular tribe is after the end of the eighteenth century or early nineteenth century. Batik is batik produced until the early twentieth century printed batik is known only after the First World War was over or around 1920. Now batik has become part of traditional Indonesian clothing.

Batik is one way of making fabrics. Besides batik can refer to two things. The first is a technique of coloring cloth using the night, this technique is one of the ancient art form that is useful for preventing the coloring part of the fabric. In International literature, this technique is known as wax-resist dyeing.

The second notion is the fabric or clothing made with these techniques, including the use of certain motifs that have specificity. Batik Indonesia, as the overall engineering, technology, and development and related cultural motifs.

Batik is also the sort of craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (especially Java) since long. Javanese women in the past made their skills in batik as livelihood, so in the past, batik work is exclusively women's work. Since the industrialization and globalization, which introduce automation techniques, batik new type emerged, known as the "Batik Cap and Batik Print", which allows the entry of men into this field.

Exceptions to this phenomenon, namely the coastal batik masculine lines as you can see in shades of "Mega Clouds", which in some coastal areas batik work is common for men. While traditional batik produced by the technique of handwriting using canting and night is called batik.
Batik tradition was originally a hereditary tradition, so occasionally a recognizable motif batik originated from a particular family. Some batik may indicate the status of a person. Even today, some traditional batik motif is only used by the family palace of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

Types of batik

1. Handmade batik

Understanding Batik batik, which is considered the most good and the traditional, the manufacturing process through the preparation stages, patterning, batik, coloring, pelorodan and refinement. At batik is very difficult to find patterns that worked exactly the same, there must be a fleeting differences, for example: arch line or a point. The shortage is an excess of handiwork. In the process of batik frequent spontaneous movement, without counted or taken into account in more detail. Batik is made mass with the same standard provisions of the factors of human hands.

2. Modern Batik

Modern Batik divided into Batik Cap Batik and Textile Combination Batik.
Understanding Cap Batik is batik manufacturing process through the preparation stages, pencapaan, coloring, pelorodan and refinement. Implementation of batik-making easier and faster. Weakness in batik motifs that can be made is limited and can not make big motives. In addition to the printed batik there is no graffiti art and subtlety motives considered decisive motif.

Definition of Batik Combination (written and Cap) is a batik made in order to reduce the weaknesses found in batik products, such as large motifs and graffiti art that can not be produced with tanga. In the process of batik making this combination requires elaborate preparations, particularly on the incorporation of the written motives and the motives capnya, so efficiency is low (almost the same as the batik) and the value of art products compared with batik. As for the manufacturing process through the preparation phase, patterning (for a large motif), batik (motives that can not be labeled), pecapaan, coloring, pelorodan and refinement.

Textile batik motif is growing in order to meet the needs of batik is quite large and can not be met by the usual batik industry. Textile batik motif was produced by the textile industry to use as a design motif testilnya. The production process is done by printing system, so that the product is known as batik printing and can be produced on a large scale. However, characteristics that support identity not found in the traditional batik batik printing, but the price is relatively cheap so it can reach all levels of society is needed.

So a discussion of the notion of batik and other types of batik, hopefully my writing regarding the definition and the types of batik batik can be beneficial.

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