Tuesday, January 3, 2017

New Year 2017 Prambanan as a world tourism destination

Prambanan is a breathtakingly beautiful Hindu temple complex east of Yogyakarta. Along with Borobudur (one hour drive) they are the two biggest attractions in Java. It is the largest Hindu complex in Indonesia and it was built in the 9th century. Just like Borobudur This temple was rediscovered in the 19th century. Since then, it got a permanent place on the international list of large structures. In 1918 began the renovation of the temple complex, and if you visit Prambanan now people are still busy renovating parts of the main temple and the various temples (Candi's) around it. In 1991, the complex Prambanan was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Prambanan temple complex (Roro Jonggrang complex) in total consists of 237 temples of varying size. Some of these temples are no longer recognizable as such. The complex consists of three zones; the outer ring, the middle ring and the inner ring. In the center you will find the most sacred part, with several large temples. Some of these temples are accessible, most are closed to the public.

The main entrance is on the east side of the complex. You can leave the complex on the north side. Prambanan is a magnificent temple complex, but in the surroundings you will find several other beautiful temples. When you leave the Prambanan north side, you get on a path with some small shops. If you walk down this path you end up in a kind of park. Here you have the first Lumbung temple. Lumbung is a small complex with a few loose candi's. A little further continue and you will see the Bubrah temple on your right. Bubrah Lumbung is like a small complex. At the very end of the path you see looming beautiful temple; the Sewu temple. We liked Sewu especially beautiful. We were at the end of the afternoon, just before sunset.Sewu was destroyed for the most part, with enormous chunk sticks scattered over the grounds. Here one is working to restore the temple. There's an almost magical atmosphere.The temples north of Prambanan are almost all Buddhist temples, stupas are similar to the stupas that you see at Borobudur.

Viewpoint at Ratu Boko Hill is one of the most beautiful vantage point. Here you also have some temples, some of which are not easily accessible. From the top of the hill you have a wonderful view of the Prambanan complex, with the huge Mount Merapi in the background. In a radius of several kilometers around the Prambanan complex have several other beautiful temples (Hindu and Buddhist) as: Candi Plaosan, Candi Sambisari, Kraton Ratu Boko, several smaller temples and (one suspects) many temples yet to be discovered.

Prambanan is also visited around sunrise and sunset by many. Especially during the sunrise you can make some fantastic photos. However, you must here around 4:30 in the morning for, if you come from the center of Yogyakarta. By day, it can sometimes be quite busy around Prambanan; it is also one of the most popular attractions of Indonesia.

Prambanan is a bit overshadowed by the Borobudur, Prambanan while many find it as beautiful and perhaps even more beautiful than the Borobudur.

Prambanan is open daily between 06:00 and 18:00. Early in the morning it is often nice and cool and quieter than the middle of the day, so you can visit the best the temple complex as early as possible. An umbrella, water and sunscreen are important to have with you. Not only it can sometimes rain a lot, it is often very hot in direct sun.

Furthermore visit also the Sultan Palace (Keraton), the district of the artisans Kota Gede and a local batik and silver factory. Hereafter you drive a 'becak (pedicab) to the specially for the Sultan built water palace. Then visit the local bird and animal market, where exotic birds, monkeys, snakes and other tropical animals can be seen.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Peuyeum Bandung Shake Tongue

Talking about the city of Bandung is not complete if you have not talked about a variety of typical cuisine of this developing city. Yes, in every corner of Bandung there are a variety of decent food we tried.

Peuyeum Bandung or in Indonesian called the tape is one of the specialties Tatar Pasundan. Peuyeum based material is basically divided into two types. The first is made from cassava. Peuyeum is often found at the center by - by. Then the second is peuyeum made from glutinous rice that has been fermented.

Peuyeum usually sold by way hung from the ceiling in front of a simple stall curb. You can also find peuyeum itinerant sellers. But now sellers peuyeum circumference is rarely encountered.

Historically, the people of Bandung ancient utilize cassava plants that grow in the area of ​​Bandung to be processed into peuyeum. They believe that peuyeum efficacious to warm the body. Efficacy peuyeum is obtained from the fermentation.

The word "peuyeum" comes from the language. They often refer to as peuyeum peuyeum sampeu or cassava. Ways of making peuyeum also quite easy. Cassava is already cleaned steamed until cooked, then when it is cold enough sprinkled with yeast and stored in a closed container. Fermentation time is about 2 to 3 days.

Peuyeum is always synonymous with the city of Bandung. So do not be surprised if the tourists both from home and abroad, at the time of the holiday season they always buy typical snack Bandung as souvenirs. Not only tourists who love this peuyeum, the Bandung itself makes peuyeum as a snack on while relaxing or simply used as a souvenir while visiting relatives outside the city of Bandung.

Peuyeum itself not only from the area of ​​Bandung alone, in the areas around the other West Java, many are making and make peuyeum as their typical food. However, of course a lot of people or tourists more familiar peuyeum as Peuyeum Bandung.

Well, if you are visiting Bandung do not miss to taste the typical food of this developing city. You can buy typical peuyeum duo at the center of souvenirs is in the vicinity of the terminal Leuwipanjang or Cileunyi.

PISANG IJO a refreshing drink from the town Daeng

If you visit the town Daeng there are many typical food of southern Sulawesi region that you must taste. Besides Coto Makassar, unisex Kapurung and most delicious eaten during the summer or in the month of Ramadan is a cake made of rice flour and banana were delicious once these tasty.

In a number of cities was already a lot of selling typical cake from South Sulawesi is, unfortunately, there are a number of parties on behalf of another city can sell them. For example there are some traders who call psaing green Bandung, it is only natural but if presented different flavors will damage the image of this tasty food. So you can enjoy the taste of real then you should look for the right recipe, if necessary, ask the indigenous people of Bugis, Makassar, Mandar or Toraja that might help you in making it.

The basic ingredients needed to make a typical meal to break the fast is very easy to find on the market or even in the grocery store close to home. If you live in the countryside it is possible that there are in the garden around, but if living in urban areas then it should buy. Costs required to make green bananas only about 100 thousand rupiah for a standard serving, but if you want to be made on the lower portion is also not a problem because the material was not too expensive.

Baduy tribe charm banten

Indonesia is a country rich in natural resources and diverse cultures in it. This is evidenced by the many ethnic and cultural nature that do not get enough to discover. Natural and cultural richness that makes many people happy to visit Indonesia.

One of the areas that have the potential of natural and cultural interesting and deserves to be explored is the province of Banten. In addition to an abundance of beautiful natural resources such as beaches, mountains and hills, Banten is also famous for his trademark Bedouin tribes. Almost every person in Indonesia know Baduy tribe located in Banten. Even the few domestic tourists who traveled to explore the tribe.

Baduy Banten tourist village is located in the village Cibeo Lebak regency, about 40 km from Rangkasbitung. This attraction is at once cultural nature that you can explore without boring. In addition to enjoying the natural beauty that is still very clean and beautiful, you can know more about the culture Baduy tribe who live in it. Baduy itself consists of two parts, namely Inner Baduy tribe and Outer Baduy tribe. In the Baduy tribe still very primordial and avoid penetration with modern culture with the characteristic form of dress and white headband. Meanwhile, outside the Baduy people are familiar with modern life with cirikhas black dress and a blue headband. But in general, people of both clung to not use the footwear, which is too modern technology, and transportation.

Baduy community is alive with his own philosophy so that people who visit this Baduy tribe should honor and respect the customs regulations in it to enter the area attractions Banten Baduy people without modern equipment inside. This is due to the Baduy people who think that the state intervention and a variety of modern things will only interfere with the survival of nature that exist in Baduy.

Inner Baduy area is still more natural and beautiful than the Outer Baduy area. Even so, you still will get a view of a very luxurious at a bargain price. The river is still clear with hills and trees are still green blends with the Bedouins so that you too will feel surprised to see the activity and life of Bedouins who impressed no trouble despite living without money though.

By looking at the Baduy people's lives, you will get to know how the local wisdom in the inland parts make you feel homesick natural beauty and make you to be much grateful for what has been given by God as a gift. Therefore Bedouins have been fused with the universe, then you are forbidden to carry chemicals that are thought to damage the cleanliness of natural attractions in the area Baduy Banten.

As tribes in this country, we can take a closer look at their habits. In fact we could try to stay in the village.

If you want to visit Baduy, you need to leave for Rangkasbitung by private vehicle or public. Arriving at Rangkasbitung, you move on to Ciboleger using carpool vehicles. After arriving in Ciboleger, proceed on foot.